Just JD

Just here to post inspiring e-mail forwards

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Simplify your life

Stress is one of the deadliest curses of the modern age. The most dreaded diseases that afflict man like chronic nervous tension, heart trouble, and cancer have been found to be stress-related. Stress is caused by leading a fast, complicated, and nerve-wracking lifestyle. We constantly find that there is neither enough time nor resources to do the things we want or need to do, leaving us feeling agitated, harassed, frantic, and continually on edge. To be able to cope with the growing complexity and pressures of life that confront us daily, we need to de-stress by slowing down and voluntarily simplifying our lives. Voluntary life simplification is not about being miserable, poor or deprived. It is about knowing your true values, goals, and priorities so you can focus on them, and discard all the other matters that just add tension and confusion to your existence. Don’t let stress wear you down. Discover through thoughtful analysis of your values, lifestyle, and goals what is “enough” or just “perfectly right” for you. With voluntary life simplification, you can save your health and sanity, and maximize your capacity to savor and enjoy life.

1. Take a vow of voluntary life simplicity. Take a pen and a sheet of paper and write down the things that complicate, harass, and bring tension into your life. Come up with creative ideas to counter these for a less stressful and more meaningful life.

2. Slow down. If you constantly find yourself racing against the clock, take a deep breath and calm down. You must learn to simplify your day-to-day schedule and live a more balanced, deliberate, and purposeful life. Most important of all, learn to say no to people and activities that you can do well without.

3. De-clutter. Most of us have an excessive preoccupation with “things” and having or collecting them. Control your compulsive consumer habits or shopping/buying addiction and minimize your material possessions. Life will be so much easier when you travel light.

4. Detoxify. As a result of watching too many commercials coupled with our excessive obsession to stay young, beautiful, and healthy, most of us take too much vitamins, use too much shampoos and detergents, apply too much makeup and beauty products, etc. Detoxify your body inside out; let it breathe freely, and nurture itself naturally.

5. De-tech. Technological advance-ments sometimes prove to complicate our lives rather than bring convenience. No, you don’t have to ditch your cell phone, e-mail or voice mail; stay connected but not too connected that you end up stressed and harassed. Turn off your cell phone once in a while (and have refreshing, momentary peace), and watch less TV (it is a time thief!).

6. Practice time management. We all have the same 24 hours in one day yet some people are more productive with their time than others. Their secret? They know how to manage and use their time wisely. Make a daily to-do list of your activities, prioritize them, and stick to your schedule.

7. Downsize your career ambitions. If your career seems to endanger your physical, emotional, and mental sanity, re-plan and downsize it. Our obsession to be ahead in the rat race often leads to disturbing anxieties, frustrations and, ultimately, diseases. Be realistic about your career and business goals, and save your life.

8. Delegate. Face it, you cannot do everything yourself; delegate chores at home and at the office. Ask for help; get a secretary or assistant, employ a cleaning lady once a week, have your clothes laundered. The time you will save will be priceless if used to devote to things that mean so much to you like spending quality time with your kids, or learning life-improvement skills in schools and seminars.

9. Give up unnecessary things and activities. By force of habit or what we conveniently term “sentimental reasons,” we tend to hang on to things and activities that no longer serve a purpose in our lives. Ask, “Is this thing relevant and does it serve a purpose at this stage of my life?” If the answer is no, discard it.

10. Get out of debt. People who stay in debt are faced by the continuous nuisance of receiving and dealing with threatening collection notices. Being in debt puts you under intense stress; settle your debts right away or do it gradually but diligently if you cannot pay upfront. Avoid the temptation of further buying on credit.

11. Say goodbye to negative or toxic people. Simplifying your life may mean getting rid of some people, too. Be selective with friends and social circles you join. Make sure you build relationships with good, sincere, loving, supportive, and nurturing people. Avoid negative or toxic people; they can dampen your enthusiasm and drain your energy.

12. Avoid information overload. In this day and age of worldwide information technology, we are all bound to be saturated with info and ideas that may not be relevant or useful in our lives. Choose and filter the amount and quality of information you expose yourself to. Being flooded with stimuli can overwhelm and confuse you, and can be an enormous source of stress.

13. Spring clean. Spring cleaning doesn’t just involve cleaning up your home and work spaces and editing your accumulation of trinkets and junk. It also entails spiritual cleansing and renewal. This may mean settling unresolved issues with relatives and loved ones, and even social and professional associates. Go to a gym for an energizing workout or a spa once in a while for a relaxing body massage.

14. Go back to nature living. Connect yourself with the earth more, and live off the land. Grow your own organic vegetables and fruits, opt to use natural products (not synthetic), and choose to eat unprocessed foods. You are a child of the earth and your health as well as the earth’s beauty, safety, and well-being depends on you.

15. Live in the moment. Learn to relax and take your time, and preoccupy yourself with the present. Don’t agonize over the past because it’s gone and don’t be anxious over the future because it is still to come. Learn to relish the now, and take time to pause and feel the fresh wind. Most of all, try never to worry.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Get a life

Jose Dalisay Jr., PhD
Address to the Graduating Class
UP Baguio, 23 April 2005

Former UP President (Francisco) Nemenzo - whom I was privileged to serve -
was frankly not too fond of the phrase "iskolar ng bayan" to describe the
UP student. We are all, of course, scholars of the people in this
university, in the technical sense that our studies are subsidized by the
sweat of the poor, whose hopes we bear upon our shoulders.

But the President's point was that scholarship remains a distinction to be
earned not merely by scoring well in an entrance examination, but by
adopting a lifelong attitude of critical inquiry and rational
judgment.This, sadly, is something that many of us lose upon our entry
into the University and our immersion in its life - not only its
intellectual and academic life, but also its social and professional life.
The curiosity ends, the magic fades, the writing dries up, and we retreat
to a cocoon - to a dimly lit room marked "Me & Myself" - there to spend
the rest of our career sulking over the next fellow's promotion and
so-and-so's research grant.

"Get a life" has been one of my lifelong mantras. I have always believed
that while a formal education is a wonderful thing, what I call an active
life - with all its serendipitous detours and little accidents - is even
better. It is a cliché by now to say that there are many things we can
never learn in school - but for those of us who are in school, it is even
more important to remember this.

Some of the best things happen when we step outside of our own lives and
begin to be engaged in those of others. Often, the answers to our own
problems lie in others, and in their larger predicaments. While
involvement in a great cause can also create its own kind of blindness to
everything else, I believe that, at least once in our lives, we should
embrace a passion larger than ourselves; even the disillusionment that
often follows can be very instructive, and will bring us one step closer
to wisdom.

One of the best ideas I ever heard came from a friend whom I used to play
billiards with until the wee hours of the morning: "Everyone," he said
while cleaning up the balls on the table, "should be entitled to make at
least one big mistake."

I would not have been the writer I became if I had chosen the safe path
and stayed where I was supposed to be. It took me two years to finish my
MFA, and only three to finish my PhD. But before that, it took me 14 years
to get my AB.

At 12 - like your chancellor - I entered the Philippine Science High
School. As my parents never tired of telling anyone who cared to listen
(and even those who didn't), I was the entrance-exam topnotcher of my
batch, No. 1 of about 6,000 examinees. However, what my parents didn't say
was that after my first year in Science High, I was going to be kicked out
- with a 1.0 in English and a 5.0 in Math.

What happened? Well, you might say that I got a life. From the
grade-school nerd who read two books a day in our all-boys Catholic
school, I suddenly discovered girls, parties, and fun. What did I do? I
used my 1.0 in English to save my 5.0 in Math, by writing a letter of
appeal that began with "At the outset, let me say that I bear malice
toward none." I guess it worked, because they put me on probation for a
year, and I survived PSHS by the skin of my teeth.

At 16, I entered UP as an industrial engineering major - and promptly got
a 5.0 in Math 17, for too many absences - the bane of the arrogant Science
High graduate, even the perennial flunker like me who thought he already
knew more Math than he needed to know.

At 17, still a freshman, I quit college - over the tears of my mother,
whose fondest hope was for me to graduate from UP just like she did. I
wanted to join the revolution, like many of my comrades; at the same time
I was impatient to get a job.
At 18, I was working as a newspaper reporter covering hospital fires, US
embassy rallies, suicide cases, factory strikes, and typhoon relief
operations.I spent most of my 19th year in martial-law prison.

At 20, I was a husband and father.
At 26, I took my first foreign trip.
At 27, I learned how to drive - and went back to school.
At 30, I got my AB, and decided that what I wanted to do was to write and
teach for the rest of my life, so here I am.

I have been shot at, imprisoned, and worst of all, rejected by more
crushes than I care to remember. Aside from my abortive career in
journalism, I once worked as a cook-waiter-cashier-busboy-janitor, cutting
40 pounds of pork and chicken every day before turning them into someone's
dinner. Much earlier, I worked as a municipal employee, checking the
attendance of Metro Aides at seven in the morning, and then I studied
printmaking and sold my etchings cheaply by the dozen in Ermita.
Incidentally, it was at that printmaking shop that I met my wife June,
who's here with me today, and for whose patience with my colorful moods I
am forever grateful.

Some of these events have found their way to my writing; most of them have
not and never will. I believe that creative writing should generate its
own excitement, beyond whatever may have happened to the author in his or
her own life. But neither can I deny that my outlook has been influenced
by what I have seen out there, as bright, as indelible, and as disturbing
as fresh blood.

If we are to abide by the Phi Kappa Phi motto to "let the love of learning
rule humanity," we should first ourselves be ruled by the love of learning
- learning from books, and learning beyond them. On the other side of the
equation, let me observe that there is, today, a nascent but disturbing
strain of anti-intellectualism in Philippine politics and society. The
vulgar _____expression of this sentiment has taken the form of the
suggestion that we can dispense with brains and education when it comes to
our national leadership, because they have done us no good, anyway.

It is easy to see how this perception came about, and how its
attractiveness derives from its being at least partially true. Many of our
people feel betrayed by their best and brightest - the edukado, as we are
called in our barangays - because we are too easily bought out by the
powers that be. Marcos and Estrada had probably the best Cabinets in our
political history, well-stocked with prestigious PhDs from places like
Oxford and Stanford; but in the end, even they could do nothing against
their President and his excesses.

For us UP graduates, the seductions of power will always be there. Power
and wealth are also very interesting games to play, and few play them
better than UP grads - the power side more than the wealth, as I suspect
that Ateneans and La Sallites are better at making money than we are.

But even these can put you out of touch. I have friends in Malacañang and
Makati who seem to have lost all sense of life, thought, and feeling on
the street, beyond what their own commissioned surveys tell them. Worse,
they seem to have lost touch with their old, honest, self-critical selves.
They forgot all about Sophocles and poetry and mystery and music you can't
buy at the record store.

To be a UP student, faculty member, and alumnus is to be burdened but also
ennobled by a unique mission - not just the mission of serving the people,
which is in itself not unique, and which is also reflected, for example,
in the Atenean concept of being a "man for others." Rather, to my mind,
our mission is to lead and to be led by reason - by independent,
scientific, and secular reason, rather than by politicians, priests,
shamans, bankers, or generals.

You are UP because you can think and speak for yourselves, by your own
wits and on your own two feet, and you can do so no matter what the rest
of the people in the room may be thinking. You are UP because no one can
tell you to shut up, if you have something sensible and vital to say. You
are UP because you dread not the poverty of material comforts but the
poverty of the mind. And you are UP because you care about something as
abstract and sometimes as treacherous as the idea of "nation", even if it
kills you.

Sometimes, long after UP, we forget these things and become just like
everybody else; I certainly have. Even so, I suspect that that
forgetfulness is laced with guilt - the guilt of knowing that you were,
and could yet become, somebody better. And you cannot even argue that you
did not know, because today, I just told you so.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Interview with God

o learn that true happiness is not to achieve their goals but to learn to be satisfied with what they already achieved.

To learn that happiness is a decision. They decide to be happy with what they are and have or die from envy and jealousy of what they lack.

To learn that two people can look at the same thing and see something different.

To learn that those who are honest with themselves without considering the consequences go far in life.

To learn that though they may think they have nothing to give, when a friend cries with pain, they will always find the strength to comfort them if they ask Me.

To learn that by trying to hold on to loved ones, they very quickly push them away; and by letting go of those they love, they will be side by side forever.

To learn that they can never do anyting extraordinary for Me to love them. I simply do.

To learn that the shortest distanved they could be from Me is the distance of a prayer."

The interviewer, as usual, leaves heaven with his head bowed and thinking how much work we all have to do!

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Txt Msgs: September 2006

PHONE NUBER: +639285005407

It's often difficult to wait for God's time. Quite often, the period called waiting breaks our heart. But truly God will restore multiple times more than

DATE: 18.09.06
TIME: 05:25:34
PHONE NUBER: +639274250844
In the quiet
early morn,
before a
busy day,
how sweet it is
to be alone
with GOD in
Meet GOD in
thru the day.

Good Morning!

DATE: 17.09.06
TIME: 13:51:53
PHONE NUBER: +639274250844
TAUHAN:Lintik kng amo ka! Tinao-tao mo lng ako s putikan at dmo p tinataasan sahod ko. Pano pg nmatay ako, cn0 mgppkain sa pmilya ko? ikw?? AMO:Englishin mo at tataasan ko sahod mo! TAUHAN: Lightning u. U man man me n d field den my salary did nt climb. Wt f i wil die, who wil eat my family? u??..

DATE: 17.09.06
TIME: 07:49:53
PHONE NUBER: +639274250844

Sometimes, HE sends us failure so we may be HUMBLED.

Sometimes, GOD sends us illness so tHat we take better CARE of ourselves.

GOD sometimes takes everything away from us so we can LEARN the "value" of everything HE gives us...

DATE: 14.09.06
TIME: 17:59:43
PHONE NUBER: +639274250844
Blindfolded &walking alone that's what most of us feel in a
lifetime full of major
risks & decisions
that might seem
safer to remain stagnant. But isn't it more fulfilling
if despite the fear
of falling from a cliff & bruised knees,
steps were taken?
In the end,
losing & mistakes
won't count.
What matters
most is the person
we turned out to be. Not naive. But wise &
beautifully molded
by experiences .,.

DATE: 14.09.06
TIME: 08:10:33
PHONE NUBER: +639274250844
O-ffers us His
D-evotion to

M-ake us
O-bedient &
R-eady 4 a
N-ew Day with Him.
I-nspire others
N-ow to love
G-od! Hav A nyc Day!

DATE: 13.09.06
TIME: 07:48:24
PHONE NUBER: +639274250844

Lyf sims
d way
we want it,
but we
must liv it
d best
we can..
Ders no
such ting
as a
perfect lyf,
only a lyf
wid perfct
moments! g0odm0rning!ü

DATE: 10.09.06
TIME: 15:35:46
PHONE NUBER: +639274250844
we can pretend 2 be brave 2 conceal our fears, pretend 2 be smart 2 conceal our insecurities, pretend 2 be strong 2 conceal our weaknesses, but we can ne

DATE: 10.09.06
TIME: 05:49:47
PHONE NUBER: +639274250844
Hav u observd a ricefield & n0ticed w/c heads r bent & w/c ones stand up straight?
D empty heads r standing tall & high.

D heads that r filled w/ grains Laugh at your mistakes but learn from them. Joke over your troubles but gather strength from them. Have fun with your difficulties but overcome them.

DATE: 09.09.06
TIME: 19:41:55
PHONE NUBER: +639274250844
A great life is not about routine but doing something rare. To cherish and not to compare. To forgive, not to blame, and to be loving without counting... an inch. N dsc0urgemnt, i askd G0d y am i failing. D L0rd rspnded: "Ur task s 2 push d r0ck. Nver did I mnti0n dat u m0ve it. N0w I, my child, wil m0ve

DATE: 09.09.06
TIME: 08:36:41
PHONE NUBER: +639274250844
9-scond pryer:

"Lord,i love u & i need u, come in2 my heart & bless me,my family,home,& friends,in Jesus name Amen

DATE: 08.09.06
TIME: 07:48:13
PHONE NUBER: +639202865855
Begin the day w/a trusting HEART. Giv ol ur concerns 2 GOD. Smile a momnt & thnk GOD 4 dis new day. HE wil take care the Pantabangan Masiway sale.Put God first.

DATE: 08.09.06
TIME: 06:19:50
PHONE NUBER: +639274250844
"In all your ways, may you always be in the shelter of the Lord, blessed by His love, led by His light, & kept by His grace." God Bless You always! :-)

DATE: 06.09.06
TIME: 08:20:04
PHONE NUBER: +639274250844
A little faith

"God may do it."
A bigger faith

"God can do it."

But a deep
faith says,

God does
wat is best!"

Go0d mrning!

DATE: 05.09.06
TIME: 11:36:02
PHONE NUBER: +639274250844
Wake up happy..chase a cloud..laugh out loud..hum a tune..whisper a prayer..savor a memory. Life is like ice cream..enj0y it before it melts!smile!ü

DATE: 05.09.06
TIME: 08:01:51
PHONE NUBER: +639274250844
u shArE
wd adErs,

iTs meAniNg...

u t0uCh
d LivEs
of adErs,

iTs d
u tRuLy


DATE: 05.09.06
TIME: 07:41:16
PHONE NUBER: +639274250844
A sMile cAn helP
ReDucE oUr pAin
& lightEn oUr
dEspAir.. BuT ouR
tRust in GOD
giVEs inNer
pEace & j0y
cOMparE. HaV a
pleasAnt dAy
uNder JESUS'

DATE: 04.09.06
TIME: 10:33:31
PHONE NUBER: +639274250844
" THE GOOD THìNGS yöü'vè döné will nèvér bè löst; yöür KìND ACTS will täké rööt & èvéry bit öf LOVE yöü söw WìLL COMÉ RìGHT BACK TO YOü.. Have nice day!

DATE: 03.09.06
TIME: 05:38:44
PHONE NUBER: +639274250844
eaks our spirit to save our soul. Sometimes, He breaks our heart to make us whole. Sometimes, God sends us pain so we can be stronger. Although we can't have everything we want, we can want everything we have."good morning friend

DATE: 01.09.06
TIME: 09:05:07
PHONE NUBER: +639274250844
Confucius said:
If u want to remember something..


If u want to forget evrything.



DATE: 31.08.06
TIME: 08:52:05
PHONE NUBER: +639274250844
ThosE who thank GOD EvEn in trials, turns burdEns into blEssings! EvEry disappointmEnt in lifE can bE a stEpping stonE to GREATER things. G0dBLESS! ('c',)

DATE: 30.08.06
TIME: 10:12:32
PHONE NUBER: +639274250844

Sometimes, GOD breaks our spirit tO SAVE our soul.

HE sometimes breaks our heart to make us WHOLE.

Sometimes, GOD sends us pain so we can be STRONGER.His love heal you and make you the beautiful, wonderful, happy pers0n that He made you to be. ù

DATE: 30.08.06
TIME: 10:12:29
PHONE NUBER: +639274250844
Life is never about how bravely you struggle. Oftentimes, it can be about how willingly you surrender. Allow God to embrace you just as you are, and let you ask. His ways are mysterious, but God's showers of blessings will come upon you when you wait for God's time. ù2 sum1 u love.

coz lyf s everything.:-)

DATE: 30.08.06
TIME: 10:00:05
PHONE NUBER: +639274250844

walk away!
Gud am!

DATE: 27.08.06
TIME: 15:38:30
PHONE NUBER: +639274250844
It mkes a world of difrence.

Holding dos emotions in s bad 4u.

Kises r d most wnderful things n d world.

Wat's d poin r bending l0w.

Indeed,d true great & str0ng pe0ple r humble & gentle. True giants d0n't mind b0wing l0w...

DATE: 27.08.06
TIME: 14:53:16
PHONE NUBER: +639179018695
Don't get tired of loving. Dare to love, once, twice or often if you must.
But when you do, be sure that you love well.

DATE: 26.08.06
TIME: 15:52:07
PHONE NUBER: +639274250844
A brilliant MIND s useles w/o a fighting SPIRIT & WILL 2survive, 4 n life's challenges, u mke an IMPRESSION w/ what u SAY & u mke a NAME w/ what u DO.

DATE: 26.08.06
TIME: 12:07:28
PHONE NUBER: +639274250844
According to Mike Murdock's Book, "The Law of Recognition."

* Everythng u need is already in ur life. Merely awaiting ur recognition of it.

* Anything unrecognized remains uncelebrated by u.

* Anything u refuse to celebrate eventually exits in ur life. A Gift, a Miracle, or a Person..

DATE: 26.08.06
TIME: 09:15:58
PHONE NUBER: +639274250844
do wat makes u happy.
life's not based on d money u got & d success u've achieved.. its oL abt bein happy w/ hu u r,hu u're w/,hu u've got,hu u love & hu makes ur life worth living.. stay happy ü
tkecare! =)fe is a gift, enjoy it! :-)

Friday, August 25, 2006

Txt Msgs from Felix: Aug 2006

TIME: 21:11:41

everysingle day is a constant tug-of-war btween doing "WHAT IS GOOD" & doing "WHAT YOU WANT", may u always be inspired 2make d ryt choice! & b hapi wid it...ü

DATE: 24.08.06
TIME: 16:36:29

Wats d secret of success?
'takin pain' sed d nail
'kipin cool' sed d ice
'drivin hard' sed d hamer
'bein upd8d' sed d calendar
'bein sharp' sed d knife
'stickin 2 it' sed d glue
'bein bryt' sed d lamp
'bein on tym' sed d clock
'savin a drop' sed d faucet
'Learnin fr0m it' sed d mistake..ü

DATE: 24.08.06
TIME: 08:13:57

An ordinary stone in David's hand was an xtraordinary weapon against Goliath. May d ordinary things you do lead to extraordinary breakthroughs. Gud am!

DATE: 24.08.06
TIME: 06:16:00

Blessings always look small
if we
hold them
our hands.
to share
we realize
how great & precious
they are!
have a blessed day!

DATE: 23.08.06
TIME: 19:47:17
Happiness Is Somewhere Between Too Little And Too Much.
May You Have Just Enough wealth to meet your needs.
Enough poverty to learn how to work hard

DATE: 23.08.06
TIME: 10:38:11

Wats d secret of success?
'takin pain' sed d nail
'kipin cool' sed d ice
'drivin hard' sed d hamer
'bein upd8d' sed d calendar
'bein sharp' sed d knife
', Faith sees Canaan.
Your eyes see ur faults;
Your faith sees ur Savior.
Your eyes see ur guilt; Your faith sees His blood.
God bless ù!

DATE: 21.08.06
TIME: 05:18:12

d rainy
dark nyt,
d sun stil
peeps thru
dark cl0uds
t0 cgnal an0dr day!
may u hav a bright & hapi day despite d gLUmy weather!
gud m0rning...,

DATE: 20.08.06
TIME: 19:49:43

FAITH is trusting what d eye cannot see -
Eyes see d prowlng lion, Faith sees Daniel's angel;
Eyes see storms, Faith sees Noah's rainbow;
Eyes see giantsords of wisdom from Melanie Marquez, bahala ka nang umintindi!

DATE: 20.08.06
TIME: 14:33:23

Money: It can buy a House but not a Home,a Clock but not Time,a Book but not Knowledge.It can buy Position but not Respect.It can buy Medicine but not Heon lights called FAMILY.You will have flats called JOBS,but if you have a spare called DETERMINATION,an engine called PERSEVERANCE, insurance called FAITH and a driver called GOD,you will make it to a place called SUCCESS.GOD BLESS ALWAYS!

DATE: 20.08.06
TIME: 08:44:25

The road to success is not straight.There is a curve called FAILURE,a loop called CONFUSION, speed bumps called FRIENDS, red lights called ENEMIES, cautiasted. God bless ur kind heart always! ù

DATE: 20.08.06
TIME: 06:59:41

I love mornings.
It makes me think of d value of life.
It asks me 2 live not on yesterday's sorrows nor 2moro's dreams, but today's Blessings! Hav a great day!ü

DATE: 17.08.06
TIME: 11:26:10
(ALL ABOUT KISSING) Do you know that:
-d scientific name 4 kissing is 'phiLematology'?
-our brains r equiped w/ neurons dat help us find our lover's lipsS? hEhE!
-its estimtd dat d avrge persn wil spend abt 20,160 mins. kssing in dr lyftym?
-u burn 26cal. n a 1min kiss?
-hershey's kisses g0t der name c0z d mchne dt mkes dem lukd lyk 8s kissing d c0nvey0r belt?
-d 1st kis evr sh0wn in a m0vie "d kiss" ws in 1896?
-kissng hlps reduce t0oth dcay.

DATE: 16.08.06
TIME: 21:52:31
GOD bless u
w/ the
to make
sweet dreams!

DATE: 15.08.06
TIME: 11:35:17

I can nvr repay God's gift of g0od friends..but i can thank HIM wid gladness in my heart,and greet my friends evrytime i wake up.A BLESsED m0rning.ü

DATE: 13.08.06
TIME: 06:01:52

PRAYER is a perfume to our soul & a fragrance that pleases God.
Wear ur prayer evryday & let it freshen u anytym anywhr u go.
Hav a blessd & sweet-scented day!!

DATE: 11.08.06
TIME: 10:00:58

1.In GODs eyes, Love is always present
2. In GODs heart, forgivness is always there
3. In GODs embrace No One Is Ever Alone!
gUd am!
GOD Bless!

DATE: 09.08.06
TIME: 09:00:43
Life is Short, LIVE IT!
Love is Rare, GRAB IT
Anger is Bad, DUMP IT!
Fear is Awful, FACE IT!
Memories r Sweet, CHERISH IT!

DATE: 09.08.06
TIME: 05:45:42
r not aLLowd
2 hav SEX!
bcoz f dey do..

DATE: 19.07.06
TIME: 13:01:38

Oncè in a wyl frens shöw us d èssèncè öf d wörd cärè & mäkè lyf wörth lìvìng by d èffört thèy täkè & d tym thèy spärè. U r alwäys rèmèmbèrèd! Göd blèss U!

DATE: 22.03.06
TIME: 08:22:34

Every experience brings out something good. Good times become good memories, bad times become good lessons.You never lose, you only gain from life. God bless! ü

Txt Msgs from Felix: July 06

For the month of July

June 24, 2006 07:54

Each day is ours to share; a word, a hand, a smile, And when we know that others care, it makes life all worthwhile.

July 01, 2006 19:40

It is wser not to expect, but to hope. For in expecting, we meet disappointments. Whereas in hoping, we invite surprises and miracles.

July 04, 2006

In my existence, I just realized that happiness is a very subjective factor in one's life. Being happy doesn't depend on achieving what you want, but rather making the best out of what is given. Lfe isn't fair, never was. The only thing that can make you compeletely happy is contentment. Be contented with what you have but be sure to aim high and never stop believing that you can do better everytime. But if all esle fails, don't forget that an ordinary you has an ordinary me and an extraordinary God to back you up.

July 05, 2006 09:12

Rowing hard doesn't help if the boat is headed in the wrong direction. Entrust your life to God and let Him steer your life according to His Plan

July 05, 2006 17:29

Tanong ko lang, kung binigyan ko ba ng payong ang kapatid ko, payong kapatid ba yun ?

July 06, 2006

The measure of a person is not how well he prepares for everything to go right but on how gracefullyhe stands up and moves on after evrything goes wrong.

July 09, 2006 08:57

Maintain balance in life, be strong but not rude, humble but not weak, kind but not timid, confident but not arrogant, humurous but not foolish.

July 09, 2006

The Lord's word says that teh valu of one's soul is not in their class nor in their welath. It is in the nobility and beauty of their hearts.

July 09, 2006 13:08

Great people talk about ideas.A verage people talk about things. Small people talk about other people.

July 10, 2006

When we share the laughter, there's twice the fun. When we share problems, there's half the pain. When we share tears, a rainbow follows the rain. When we share secrets, it's our hearts we reveal. And what draws us closer and makes us all care is not what we have but the things we share.

July 15, 2006 07:42

Leave something for your friend but never leave your friend for something because in life, some things will leave you but a friend will always be there for you.

July 15, 2006 08:04

Know why God blessed you another morning to wake up? It's to forget the pains of yesterday and see the chance the new day has brought to dance and laugh again, to make up for the worng things you've done, to see your friends, to love again, to make others feel happy and loved. You see, it is more than just another long day ahead. It is God's way fo reminding you that He cares and loves everyone of us.

July 15, 2006 10:24

Who says drinking beer makes people fat? It makes them lean...
....leans against the walls, doors, friends, starngers, toilet seats and lamp-posts

July 15, 2006 13:35

A sense of purpose is the best driving force to live., when you have a reason to live, you will never have a reason to quit.

July 15, 2006 16:53

I have learned that when you plan to get even with someone, you are only letting that person continue to hurt you. I've learned that to ignore the facts doesn't change the facts. I've learned that the easiest way to grow as a person is to surround myself with people who are truly people (huh?. I've learned that no one is perfect until you fall in love with them. I've learned that life is tough but I am tougher. I have learned that a smile is an inexpesnive way to improve your looks.

July 15, 2006 17:12

be thnakful that you don't have everything you desire. If you did, what would there be to look forward to/ Be thankful for the difficult times, it is during those times you grow. Be thankful for your limitations becaus ethey give you opportunities for improvement. Be thankful for your mistakes, they will teach you valauble lesson. Find a way to bethankful for your troubles and they can become your blessings.

July 15, 2006 17:34

Wise man said: watch your thoughts for they become words. Choose your words, for they become actions. Understadn your actions, for they become habits. Study your habits for they will become your character. Develope your character, for it becomes your destiny. Have a great life with a destiny of your choice.

July 15, 2006 20:24
Most of us miss out on life's big prizes. But we are eligible for life's small pleasures. A pat on the back. A good word. A huug. A full moon. A glorious sunset. An empty parking space. A great meal. A good joke. Hot soup. Cold drink. Ice cream. Hot pan de sal. So don't fret about missing life's grand rewards. Enjoy its tiny delights. There's plenty for all of us.

July 16, 2006 10:05 (16th anniversary of the last big earthquake)

Falling in love with god is the greatest romance. Searching Him is the greatest adventure. Finding Him is the greatest achievement and being with him is the greatest source of joy.

July 16, 2006 12:20

if the sun shines in yuour soul, does it matter if it rains outside?Happiness within overlooks the sadness that any event may bring. Stay happy always and thank God for making this day for you and me.

July 16, 2006 22:01

Another day is over and the darkness covers the land. let God be the brightest star to light as you sleep tonight and let God be the softest pillow to comfort you as u sleep tight.

July 18, 2006 09:57

A child on a farm sees a plane fly by overhead and dreams of a far away place. A traveller sees the farm house snd dreams of home. That's life: you never realize the value of a thing unless it moves away from us. So enjoy what you have now.

July 18, 2006 10:22

Don't think too much of the problems in life. they are just test papers given by God to see how much we learn his subject called life. If you think you failed, don't worry cause he is always ready to give remedial classes, so review through prayers and have the perfect score of happiness.

July 19, 2006 09:04

Prayer is the most cleansing therapy of the heart and soul.It converts the hateful thoughts into clean, kind and pure breath of the spirit.

July 21, 2006 17:54

Everything you have done will become someone else's memory; the person might forget the exact words said but there is no way to make them forget the way you made them feel.

July 22, 2006 07:14

Beautiful lives do not just happen. They are built daily in prayer, humility, sacrifice and love.

July 22, 2006 19:58

Good people are like the wind, you can't see what's inside their hearts but you can always feel their presence and sincerity

July 23, 2006 06:51

Like turtles, let's take a day at a time. It's not how fast we move nor how long we live but how we cherish every moment and give meaning to life

July 24 2006, 08:30

Let us begin our day in an attitude of greatfulness. It leaves little room for grace to flourish.

July 24, 2006 09:31

Smile is the melody of the soul. Work is the service of the spirit. Love is the gift of the heart. May your day be full of smiles, good works and love.

July 24, 2006 14:22

THE PARADOX OF LIFE: Everybody wants to live a long life but nobody wants to get old. Everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die. Nobody seems to realize that in our life's journey, no one has reached the finish line alive.

July 25, 2006 05:01

You are part of the puzzle of someone else's life. You may never know where you fit but other will fill the holes in their lives with pieces of you. So if you run out of reasons to live, remember that someone else's life may never be complete without you in it. Stay happy.

July 27, 2006 06:28

Life is hort so break the rules. Forgive quickly. Believe slowly. Love truly. Laugh uncontrollably and never regret anything that mad eyou happy.

July 29, 2006 14:11

Hope has two beautiful daughter - Anger and Courage. Anger at the way things are and Courage to see that they do not remain the way they are -- St Augustin

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Things Filipinos Can Do to Help Our Country

I read the Youngblood when I have the time. I have been wanting to write an article for a long time, but I seem to have shelved such want because of lack of an interesting topic. When I end up doing nothing in the office, I took the chance to read past articles and build up my inspiration from there.

So, I summarized things young Filipinos could do to help our country.

1.Get to know your relatives. I have heard that "charity begins at home". So, if I were you, get to know your relatives and assess who among them needs assistance, which should not be necessarily financial.

a. A number of your nephews and nieces from your distant cousins may not have access to books and writing materials, so with this in mind, you could ask them to visit your house some days of the month and allow them to spend it writing or reading. There are children's books sold for only P50.00 pesos and are written both in English and Filipino. They would not only appreciate reading and writing but would laso learn valuable moral lessons. You may also provide them those materials on regular basis but subject to some necessary conditions such as the education and willingness of their parents/guardians to teach them.

Moreover, bring them to Jollibee or Mc Donalds so that they could also experience what they watch on TV. It does not need to cost you much to bring them there. Arrange the troop right after lunch and buy them sundae cones costing only ten pesos.

b.Provide sources of livelihood. This requires a process but it should not be difficult. Start by asking them what they are good at or try researching for possible ventures you could suggest to them. Once they have made up their mind, do your share of gathering information on what they want to do and come up with a version that you both can agree. Nobody encouraged me in helping my uncle finance a livelihood, but I gave it a try. When I learned that my classmate bought tricylces for delivery jobs as her source of livelihood, I shared her story to my uncle who was unemployed. we agreed that I would provide the downpayment and he'll thereafter shoulder the monthly amortization. Surprisingly, it brought out not only the entrepreneur in him but also of his wife. They were able to venture in other sources of income with the tricycle as their steady source of cash flow. Gone were the times when you meet him with his quiet shyness, which was replaced with a happy disposition. My only regret was that we started with less environment-friendly business venture.

2. Don't rely too much on the government. Let us accept the fact that we can't do anything about it yet. As one youngblood writer implied, we don't even know how to start undertsanding our situation.

There are a lot of things you can do to make the Philippines a happy place to live in.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005


With the divorce rate over 50 percent, too many are apparently making a serious mistake in deciding who to spend the rest of their life with. To avoid becoming a "statistic," try to internalize these 10 insights.

#1. You pick the wrong person because you expect him/her to change after you're married.

The classic mistake. Never marry potential. The golden rule is, if you can't be happy with the person the way he or she is now, don't get married. As a colleague of mine so wisely put it, "You actually can expect people to change after their married... for the worst!"

So when it comes to the other person's spirituality, character, personal hygiene, communication skills, and personal habits, make sure you can live with these as they are now.

#2. You pick the wrong person because you focus more on chemistry than on character.

Chemistry ignites the fire, but good character keeps it burning. Beware of the "I'm in love" syndrome. "I'm in love" often means, "I'm in lust." Attraction is there, but have you carefully checked out this person's character?

Here are four character traits to definitely check for:

Humility: Does this person believe that "doing the right thing" is more important than personal comfort?

Do I want to be more like this person? Would I like my child to turn out like him or her?

Kindness: Does this person enjoy giving pleasure to other people? How does s/he treat people s/he doesn't have to be nice to? Does s/he do volunteer work? Give charity?

Responsibility: Can I depend on this person to do what s/he says s/he's going to do?

Happiness: Does this person like himself? Does s/he enjoy life? Is s/he emotionally stable?

Ask yourself: Do I want to be more like this person? Do I want to have a child with this person? Would I like my child to turn out like him or her?

#3. You pick the wrong person because the man doesn't understand what a woman needs most.

Men and women have unique emotional needs, and more often than not, it is the man who just doesn't "get it." Jewish tradition places the onus on the man to understand the emotional needs of a woman and to satisfy them.

The unique need of a woman is to be loved -- to feel that she is the most important person in her husband's life. The husband needs to give her consistent, quality attention.

This is most apparent in Judaism's approach to sexual intimacy. The Torah obligates the husband to meet the sexual needs of his wife. Sexual intimacy is always on the woman's terms. Men are goal-oriented, especially when it comes this area. As a wise woman once pointed out, "Men have two speeds: on and off." Women are experience-oriented. When a man is able to switch gears and become more experience-oriented, he will discover what makes his wife very happy. When the man forgets about his own needs and focuses on giving his wife pleasure, amazing things happen.

#4. You choose the wrong person because you do not share a common life goals and priorities.

There are three basic ways we connect with another person:

1. chemistry and compatibility
2. share common interests
3. share common life goal

Make sure you share the deeper level of connection that sharing life goals provide. After marriage, the two of you will either grow together or grow apart. To avoid growing apart, you must figure out what you're "living for," while you're single -- and then find someone who has come to the same conclusion as you.

This is the true definition of a "soul mate." A soul mate is a goal mate -- two people who ultimately share the same understanding of life's purpose and therefore share the same priorities, values and goals.

#5. You choose the wrong person because you get involved sexually too quickly.

Sexual involvement before the commitment of marriage can be a big problem because it often precludes a fully honest exploration of important issues. Sexual involvement tends to cloud one's mind. And a clouded mind is not inclined to make good decisions.

Of all the studies done on divorce, sexual incompatibility is never cited as a main factor. It is not necessary to take a "test drive" in order to find out if a couple is sexually compatible. If you do your homework and make sure you are intellectually and emotionally compatible, you don't have to worry about sexual compatibility. Of all the studies done on divorce, sexual incompatibility is never cited as a main reason why people divorce.

#6. You pick the wrong person because you do not have a deeper emotional connection with this person.

To evaluate whether you have a deeper emotional connection or not, ask: "Do I respect and admire this person?"

This does not mean, "Am I impressed by this person?" We are impressed by a Mercedes. We do not respect someone because they own a Mercedes. You should be impressed by qualities of creativity, loyalty, determination, etc.

Also ask: "Do I trust this person?" This also means,"Is he/she emotionally stable? Do I feel I can rely on him/her?

#7. You pick the wrong person because you choose someone with whom you don't feel emotionally safe.

Ask yourself the following questions: Do I feel calm, peaceful and relaxed with this person? Can I fully be myself and express myself with this person? Does this person make me feel good about myself? Do you have a really close friend who does make you feel this way? Make sure the person you marry makes you feel the same way!

Are you afraid of this person in any way? You should not feel you need to monitor what you say because you are afraid of how the other person will view it. If you're afraid to express your feelings and opinions openly, there's a problem with the relationship.

Be on the look out for someone who is always trying to change you.Another aspect of feeling safe is that you don't feel the other person is trying to control you. Controlling behaviors are a sign of an abusive person. Be on the look out for someone who is always trying to change you. There's a big difference between "controlling" and "making suggestions." A suggestion is made for your benefit; a control statement is made for their

#8. You pick the wrong person because you don't put everything on the table.

Anything that bothers you about the relationship must be brought up for discussion. Bringing up the uncomfortable stuff is the only way to evaluate how well the two of you communicate, negotiate, and work together. Over the course of a lifetime, difficulties will inevitably arise. You need to know now, before making a commitment: Can you resolve your differences and find compromises that work for both of you?

Never be afraid to let the person know what bothers you. This is also a way for you to test how vulnerable you can be with this person. If you can't be vulnerable, then you can't be intimate. The two go hand in hand.

#9. You pick the wrong person because you use the relationship to escape from personal problems and unhappiness.

If you are unhappy and single, you'll probably be unhappy and married, too. If you are unhappy and single, you'll probably be unhappy and married, too. Marriage does not fix personal, psychological and emotional problems. If anything, marriage will exacerbate them.

If you are not happy with yourself and your life, take responsibility to fix it now while you are single. You'll feel better, and your future spouse will thank you.

#10. You pick the wrong person because he/she is involved in a triangle.

To be "triangulated" means a person is emotionally dependent on someone or something else while trying to develop another relationship. A person who hasn't separated from his or her parents is the classic example of triangulation. People can also be triangulated with things as well, such as work, drugs, Internet, hobbies, sports or money.

Be careful that you and your partner are free of triangles. The person caught in the triangle cannot be fully emotionally available to you. You will not be their number one priority. And that's no basis for a marriage.