Just JD

Just here to post inspiring e-mail forwards

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Interview with God

o learn that true happiness is not to achieve their goals but to learn to be satisfied with what they already achieved.

To learn that happiness is a decision. They decide to be happy with what they are and have or die from envy and jealousy of what they lack.

To learn that two people can look at the same thing and see something different.

To learn that those who are honest with themselves without considering the consequences go far in life.

To learn that though they may think they have nothing to give, when a friend cries with pain, they will always find the strength to comfort them if they ask Me.

To learn that by trying to hold on to loved ones, they very quickly push them away; and by letting go of those they love, they will be side by side forever.

To learn that they can never do anyting extraordinary for Me to love them. I simply do.

To learn that the shortest distanved they could be from Me is the distance of a prayer."

The interviewer, as usual, leaves heaven with his head bowed and thinking how much work we all have to do!